Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Two of our Saturday YC² groups performed before morning worship at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church as their Spring Recital. Pictured below, the Hoppledom Quintet - Pearl, Henry, Odette, Nyier, and Lincoln; and the Strings of Steel Quartet - Agatha, Dai’Quon, Odette, and Lincoln. Both groups are coached by PSO violinist Irene Cheng.
PNC Recital Hall
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Five of our Saturday YC² groups performed in PNC Recital Hall for their Spring Recital. Photos below: The Turtlehead Quartet - Tommy, Stella, Clara, and Zeynep; Casia Quartet - Stephen, Alyssa, Jack, and Emma; Tiger Lily Quintet - Olivia, Rachael, Jeongwoo, Henry, and Jackson; UpBeat Quartet - Harry, Hector, Jonah, and Nick; and the Finestra Quintet - Mei, Maeve, Mirra, Nora, and Rowan. Coming soon: Click on each photo below to watch their performance!
SLB Radio
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Kookaburra Quartet - Becky, Zoe, Emily, and Avery - performed Sousa, Gershwin, and more, on the Saturday Light Brigade radio show at the Children’s Museum on the North Side.
Heinz Hall Pre-Concert
Friday, May 10, 2019
The Casia Quartet (pictured - Stephen, Alyssa, Jack, and Emma), along with the Taylor Trio (Madi, Lydia, and Anna) performed in the stunning Heinz Hall lobby before the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra’s concert.
Chamber Music Pittsburgh
Monday, May 6, 2019
The Mercurial Quartet - Charlie, Zach, Felix, and Noah - performed in the foyer of Carnegie Music Hall before a Chamber Music Pittsburgh recital featuring former PSO Concertmaster Noah Bendix-Balgley.
PYSO Pre-Concert
Sunday, May 5, 2019
The Tintin Quintet (pictured - Brady, Julien, Aravind, Stella, and Ozlem), along with the Lark Quartet, Goldenrod Quartet, and the Taylor Trio, performed in the Heinz Hall lobby before the Spring Concert of the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra.
Annual Hat Luncheon
Saturday, May 4, 2019
The UpBeat Quartet - Harry, Hector, Jonah, and Nick - performed for this prestigious, sold-out event, sponsored by the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy to raise funds to support renovation and maintenance of our city parks.
Steinberg Society
Sunday, April 27, 2019
The UpBeat Quartet - Harry, Hector, Jonah, and Nick - all members of the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra, performed for the Steinberg Society in the Mozart Room at Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts.
Taylor Trio at SLB Radio
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The Taylor Trio performed Sousa, Gershwin, and more on the Saturday Light Brigade radio show at the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum. Madi, Lydia, and Anna study chamber music with Kathleen Melucci, Principal Cello of the Pittsburgh Opera Orchestra.
Jay Leno @ Pittsburgh Speaker Series
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
The Monaloh Brass - Joel, Lukas, Connor, Lea, and Aiden - performed in the Heinz Hall lobby before a sold-out lecture by former Tonight Show host Jay Leno, in the UPMC Robert Morris Pittsburgh Speaker Series.
Children’s Museum - SLB Radio
Saturday, April 20, 2019
PYSO’s Wild Ginger Quintet - Dinah, Geoffrey, Susan, Brody, and Nathan - performed live on the Saturday Light Brigade radio show.
Tiffany Concert Series
Sunday, April 14, 2019
PYSO’s Mercurial Quartet - Charlie, Zach, Noah, and Felix - performed, along with the Vivo Quartet, in the beautiful Calvary United Methodist Church on the North Side, while the afternoon sun streamed in through their lovely Tiffany windows.
Chamber Orchestra of Pittsburgh
April 12, 2019
The Finestra Quintet - Mei, Maeve, Mirra, Nora, and Rowan - performed pre-concert for the Chamber Orchestra of Pittsburgh at First Unitarian Church in Shadyside.
Chamber Music Pittsburgh
Monday, April 8, 2019
The Vivo Quartet - Enoch, Carolyn, Futen, and Yunshu - performed in the beautiful foyer of Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland, as the winners of this year’s Montgomery Fellowship! The Montgomery Fellowship winning group each year studies chamber music with PSO Principal Second Violin Jeremy Black.
Pittsburgh Concert Society
April 2, 2019
PYSO’s Vivo Quartet, winners of the 2018-19 Montgomery Fellowship, performed at Kresge Theater on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University for the Pittsburgh Concert Society as winners of the 2019 Young Artist Award!
Kookaburra at Heinz Hall
March 24, 2019
PSO Principal Piccolo Rhian Kenny posed with the members of the chamber group she coached this year, the Kookaburra Quartet - Emily, Zoe, Avery, and Becky. They performed in the lobby of Heinz Hall to greet symphony-goers on Sunday afternoon.
Heinz Hall Lobby Performance
March 22, 2019
The Point Trio - Dennis, Matt, and Trey - performed in the stunning foyer of Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts. This trio studied chamber music this year with PSO Bass Clarinet Jack Howell.
Friends of the PSO
March 21, 2019
TRYPO harpist Skyler Moon and PYSO harpist Amanda Kengor performed works for solo harp for guests to this month’s Friends of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.
Fiddlesticks Activities Time
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Members of TRYPO and PYSO introduced the instruments of a string quartet and performed for our youngest symphony goers, ages 2-5, in this special pre-concert activity time in the Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts Overlook Lounge.
Friends of the PSO
February 21, 2019
PYSO’s award-winning Vivo Quartet performed for donors of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra at their February gathering.
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
March 8, 2019
The Finestra Quintet - Cuna, Maeve, Mirra, Nora, and Rowan, performed beautifully at the Vespers Service at St. Andrews in Highland Park.
Speaker Series with Gov. Jeb Bush
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
BRAVO to the Monaloh Brass, Aiden, Noah, Connor, Lukas, and Joel, who performed for the sold-out crowd at tonight’s RMU/UPMC Speaker Series at Heinz Hall. Monaloh Brass studied chamber music this year with Robert Lauver, PSO Horn.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 21, 2019 - 9:00am-2:00pm
YC², TRYPO, PYSO members and any other interested young musicians are invited to a special day to rehearse, perform at a nearby pre-school, and prepare for upcoming community outreach performances. To sign up, contact
YC²/PYSO Winter Recital
Sunday, December 16, 2018 - First Presbyterian Church
Our nine Sunday chamber groups performed beautiful music in a spectacular setting.
Click each photo below to hear their performance!
PA Governor’s Holiday Open House
Sunday, December 9, 2018 - Orange Accents Quinter, Governor’s Mansion, Harrisburg
Governor and Mrs. Tom Wolf invited the Orange Accents Quintet to perform at their annual Holiday Open House. It was a wonderful road trip for this YC² group—Riley, Angelina, Vanessa, Nick, and Kobe—who performed a set of holiday favorites arranged for them by their fabulous coach Stephanie Tretick, a member of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.
Holiday Pop-Up Concert
Sunday, December 9, 2018 - Wild Ginger Quintet - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Allegheny
The Wild Ginger Quintet—Dinah, Geoffrey, Susan, Brody, and Nathan—performed a quintet by Carl Nielsen for library visitors.
LaRoche College Festival of Lights
Friday, December 7, 2018 - Mercurial Trio and the UpBeat Quartet - Divine Providence Mother House
Harry, Hector, Jonah, and Nick—the UpBeat Quartet—performed beautiful movements from the Mendelssohn and Borodin quartets, followed by the Mercurial Trio—Zach, Charlie, and Noah, playing classical music as well. All seven (including two sets of brothers) teamed up to play Chanukah and Christmas classics. The venue is the stunning Mother House at the Sisters of Divine Providence on the campus of LaRoche College.
Duquesne University Faculty Party
Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - Artemis Quartet - Ballroom at Duquesne University
Pittsburgh Youth Symphony members Nora, Ji-Yool, Felix, and Chloe performed at a faculty gathering at Duquesne University, invited by the McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Brass Roots Pre-Concert Performance
Sunday, December 2, 2018 - Monaloh Brass Quintet - Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall in Oakland, PA
Joel, Noah, Connor, Lukas, and Ryan—all members of the PIttsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra—performed before the Brass Roots and Pine Creek Community Band concert. Then the Brass Roots invited Monaloh Brass on stage to join them in the finale featuring Leroy Anderson’s “Sleigh Ride.”
Concert of Peace and Unity - Pittsburgh Symphony
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - Vivo Quartet - Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts
Yunshu, Carolyn, Enoch, and Futen—students at North Allegheny School District and all members or alum of the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra—were invited to perform in the lobby before the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra’s special Concert for Peace and Unity, to honor the victims of the Tree of Life tragedy. Vivo Quartet is PYSO’s 2018-19 Montgomery Fellowship Quartet.
“Pittsburgh Today Live” on KDKA TV
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - Finestra Quartet - KDKA Studios, Gateway Center
Mei, Maeve, Mirra, and Nora performed classical and holiday music live on television to promote the upcoming Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestras concert on December 9, and our Holiday Strings performance at PPG Wintergarden December 16.
Kookaburra Quartet
November 14, 15, and 18, 2018
Avery, Becky, Emily, and Zoe have performed as trios all around town in November 2018. They played for the Friends of the Pittsburgh Symphony in the Regency Room, in the beautiful Heinz Hall foyer before the Pittsburgh Speaker Series lecture by Gloria Steinem, and at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra’s Holiday Home Tour fundraising event.
Heinz Endowments Conference
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - Vivo Quartet - August Wilson African American Cultural Center
The Heinz Endowments invited the Vivo Quartet to perform during a tribute to the Tree of Life victims at the opening of their conference Courage to Act: Nonprofits and the Call to Moral Leadership.
Fiddlesticks Concert Activity
Saturday, November 10, 2018 - Mercurial Quartet - Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts
PYSO and TRYPO members Zach, Mei, Noah, and Felix performed Halloween-themed classical music for Heinz Hall’s youngest visitors before the Fiddlesticks Concert.
Trick-or-Treat Classical Crawl!
Saturday, October 27, 2018 - 5:30-7:00pm
Location: Third Presbyterian Church, 5701 Fifth Ave, 15232 (Shadyside - corner of Fifth & Negley Avenues)
Performances by members of the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra and Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestras!
All Ages Welcome! Costume Contest! Free Admission!
UPDATE: Due to the events today at Tree of Life Synagogue, this event has been cancelled as Pittsburgh mourns this senseless and horrific tragedy.
Pop-Up Concerts in Carnegie Libraries
Lawrenceville Library: Sat., Sept. 22 - 12:15pm
Homewood Library: Sat., Sept. 22 - 12:15pm
East Liberty Library: Sat., Sept. 22 - 2:45pm
West End Library: Sat., Sept. 22 - 2:45pm
This performance series is a collaboration between Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestras (TRYPO), YC², and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in celebration of Radical Days!
Pop-Up Concerts in Carnegie Libraries
Allegheny (North Side) Library: Sun., Sept. 30 - 1:00pm
South Side Library: Sun., Sept. 30 - 2:00pm
This performance series is a collaboration between the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra (PYSO), YC², and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in celebration of Radical Days!
Join us for a dessert reception afterward, organized by parents of the musicians to say Thank You to the students’ wonderful coaches from the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra!